Principle of Management Mcqs with solutions - Study For Buddies

Monday, November 22, 2021

Principle of Management Mcqs with solutions


MCQs - 23 October 2013

1. __________ means that a person should get orders and instructions from only one superior.

a) Unity of Direction
b) Unity of Command
c) Scalar Chain
d) Equity

2. Which one of the following roles does not constitute management role as proposed by Mintzberg?

a) Interpersonal role 
b) Decisional role
c) Training role 
d) Informational role

3. In role, a manager performs ceremonial activities on behalf of organization.

a) Liaison
b) Monitor
c) Figurehead
d) Entrepreneur

4. _________ is general statements or understandings, which guide or channelize thinking in decision making.

a) Programme 
b) Rules
c) Procedures
d) Policies

5. PERT was developed by__________

a) Reliance Industry
c) DuPont Company 
d) US Navy

6. Which of the following statement/s about MBO is/are true?

a) Subordinates are given freedom of action to decide how best to achieve objectives and targets of the organization.
b) The central feature of MBO is that objectives and targets are not imposed but established and agreed through participation of subordinates with superiors.
c) Measurement of performance is in terms of the subordinates' degree of accomplishment rather than the ability to follow detailed instructions on how to perform.
d) All of the above

7. Differential Piece Rate System for wage payment was advocated under __________.

a) Scientific management
b) Administrative Management
c) Human Relations Approach
d) Contingency Approach to management

8. 'Great Man Theory' of Leadership is also known as __________.

a) Trait Theory
b) Charismatic Theory
c) Behavioral Theory 
d) Situational Theory

9. Which of the following is the best practice for ensuring employee participation in various activities at all levels of the Management?

a) Management by Exceptions
b) Administrative Management
c) Management by Objectives
d) None of the above

10. PERT was developed in _________.

a) 1940
b) 1958
c) 1960
d) 1970

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