Behaviourial Sciences in Management (BSM) Mcqs - Study For Buddies

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Behaviourial Sciences in Management (BSM) Mcqs


MCQS : JULY 2021

1. _____ is a study of commonly shared values, beliefs, customs, traditions and rituals.

A. Cultural anthropology
B. Psychology
C. Biology
D. Economics

2. Which of the following is not a social science?

A. Sociology
B. Anthropology
C. Physics
D. Psychology

3. Who has suggested the need hierarchy Theory of motivation?

A. Abraham maslow
B. Fredrick Herzberg
C. David me clelland
D. Victor vroom

4. Group behaviour, power and conflict are central areas of study for 

A. Sociologist
B. Anthropologists
C. Psychologists
D. Operations analysts

5. An acquisition of power in a competitive environment is studied by _____ science.

A. Political
B. Anthropological
C. Social 
D. Psychological

6. If a specific behavior and gets strendthened and the probability of repeating the same increases, then it is know as __________.

A. Reinforcement
B. Punishment
C. Extinction
D. Attribution

7. If a specific behavior gets strengthened and the probability of a repeating the same increases, as a result of application of favorable consequences, then it is know as _________

A. Positive reinforcement
B. Negative reinforcement
C. Punishment
D. Extinction

8. Most of the learning that takes place in the class room through lecture method is called ______

A. Classical conditioning
B. Cognitive learning
C. Operant conditioning
D. Social learning

9. According to Fishbein Multi Attribute model, attitude towards object can be measured through __________.

A. Ao = Sum of bi ei 
B. Ao = Sum of bi ci
C. Ao = Sum of ai di 
D. Ao = Sum of ci ei 

10. Organization Behavior is

A. An interdisciplinary approach
B. A General approach 
C. A Tactical approach
D. A Specialized Approach

11. Psychology's major contributions to the field of organizational behavior have been primarily at what level of analysis?

A. The level of the group 
B. The level of the individual
C. The level of the culture 
D. The level of Nation

12. Who has propounded the Achievement Motivation Theory?

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Victor Vroom 
C. Mc Clelland
D. Fredrick Herzberg

13. Who has advocated the Two Factor theory of Motivation? 

A. Fredrick Herzberg 
B. Abraham Maslow 
C. F. W. Taylor
D. Victor Vroom 

14. Hawthorne Studies is related to which stage of the organizational behavior evolution

A. Industrial revolution
B. Scientific management
C. Organizational behavior
D. Human relations movement

15. If a specific behavior gets weakened and the probability of repeating the same decreases, as a result of withdrawal of favorable consequences, then it is known as ______

A. Positive Reinforcement
B. Extinction
C. Negative Reinforcement
D. Punishment

16. Which of the following is not true of classical conditioning? 

A. Classical conditioning is passive.
B. Classical conditioning can explain simple reflexive behaviors 
C. Learning a conditioned response involves building an association between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus 
D. An unconditioned stimulus takes on the properties of a conditioned stimulus

17. Attributing one's own characteristics to other people. 

A. Projection
B. Halo effect
C. Attribution 
D. Stereo type

18. Which of the following behavior is not a part of study of Consumer Behavior ?

A. Consumption Behavior
B. Disposal Behavior
C. Buying Behavior 
D. General Behavior

19. _____ Is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experiences, information processing and observations.

A. Learning
B. Perception
C. Motivation
D. Skills

20. ____ is to be considered as a like game people play.

A. Feeling
B. Behaviour
C. Perception
D. Attitude

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