Quantitative techniques (QT) Mcqs - Study For Buddies

Friday, September 24, 2021

Quantitative techniques (QT) Mcqs


MCQS - JULY 2021

1. If the z table value is 2.58, what is the desired level of confidence? 

A. 99% 
B. 90% 
C. 95% 
D. 100%

2. There is no significance relationship between any two variables is known as

A. Null Hypothesis 
B. Simple Hypothesis 
C. Alternate Hypothesis 
D. One way Hypothesis

3. Combined mean is calculated when we have _________.

A. Information of two groups
B. Information if single group
C. Information of more than four groups
D. No information is available

4. If the null hypothesis is false then which of the subsequent is accepted? 

A. Null Hypothesis 
B. Positive Hypothesis
C. Negative Hypothesis 
D. Alternative Hypothesis

5. Alternative Hypothesis is also called as? 

A. Composite hypothesis
B. Research Hypothesis
C. Simple Hypothesis
D. Null Hypothesis 

6. Type 1 error occurs when?

A. We reject H0 if it is True 
B. We reject HO if it is False 
C. We accept H0 if it is True
D. We accept HO if it is False

7. If the sample size is less than 30, which test should be used?

A. t-test 
B. chi-square test 
C. z-test 
D. f-test

8. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called? 

A. Statistic 
B. Hypothesis 
C. Test Statistic
D. Significance level

9. How many types of error may occur when testing the hypothesis?

A. Only 1 type 
B. 2 type 
C. 3 type 
D. 0 type

10. The rejection probability of Null Hypothesis when it is true is called as?

A. Level of Rejection
B. Level of Significance 
C. Level of Margin
D. Level of Confidence

11. The probability of committing a type 1 error is denoted by ________.

A. x 
B. E 
C. alpha 
D. bita 

12. In regression, the equation that describes how the response variable (y) is related to the explanatory variable (x) is:

A. the correlation model
B. the regression model
C. used to compute the correlation coefficient
D. None of these alternatives is correct

13. Find the correct statement.

A. Mean is positional average 
B. Median is positional average 
C. Median is arithmetic average
D. Mode is positional average

14. In regression analysis, the variable that's being predicted is the

A. response, or dependent, variable
B. independent variable 
C. is usually x
D. intervening variable 

15. For 90% desired level of confidence, what is the z table value? 

A. 1.65 
B. 1.96 
C. 2.56 
D. 1.57

16. When the population is heterogeneous and characteristics are unknown, which test should be used? 

A. Chi-square test
B. t-test
C. z-test
D. f-test

17. When the correlation is only studied between 2 variables it's known as

A. Positive correlation 
B. Negative correlation 
C. Multiple correlation 
D. Simple correlation 

18. If the proportion of success(p) is given, what is the proportion of failure(q)? 

A. 1-q 
B. 1-p 
C. p+1 
D. 1+q

19. Sample size is known as ______

A. n
B. N
C. s
D. S

20. Level of significance is 5% so, what is the level of confidence?

A. 95%
B. 5%
C. 50%
D. 105%

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