Human Resource Management Mcqs with answers - Study For Buddies

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Human Resource Management Mcqs with answers



1. The term ________ refers to the extra benefits provided to employees in addition to the normal compensation paid in the form of wage or salary.

A. Motivation 
B. Fringe benefits 
C. Pension
D. All of the above

2. Fringe benefit given to employees due to __________.

A. Trade union demand
B. Social security
C. To improve human relations
D. All of the above

3. According to Factory Act, 1948, no adult worker can be compelled to work for then ________ hours in any week and working hours can not be more then ________ hours any day.

A. 43, 9 
B. 43, 7 
C. 48, 8 
D. 48, 9 

4. Workers in manufacturing concern mining, plantations, etc. who work for _________ days during a calendar year are eligible for paid vacation.

A. 365
B. 360
C. 240
D. 238

5. According to ________ provisions are there for cleanliness, disposal of waste and affluent ventilation and reoperation, proper lighting, clean drinking water, washrooms, etc.

A. Industrial Dispute Act 
B. Factory Act
C. Minimum Wage Act
D. Workmen's Compensation Act 

6. Under the ________ an organization is liable to pay compensation if there is death of worker due to an employment injury.

A. Factory Act
B. Industrial Dispute Act
C. Workmen's Compensation Act
D. Minimum Wage Act

7. The Employees State Insurance Act __________.

A. 1943
B. 1948
C. 1947
D. 1923

8. Sickness benefits is roughly _________.

A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%

9. Maturity benefits are given to.

A. Insured person 
B. Insured women 
C. Insured grand mother 
D. Insured grand father 

10. According to Factories Act employer has to provide canteen in Factory employing more than ______ workers.

A. 250 
B. 150 
C. 350
D. 50

11. Under the employee's deposit linked insurance scheme, 1976 the maximum amount of benefits payable is _______.

A. 40,000
B. 50,000
C. 60,000
D. 70,000

12. Maximum amount of gratuity shall not exceed _______ lakh 

A. 20 
B. 30
C. 40
D. 10

13. Factors affecting retention of employees are _______.

A. Environment 
B. Support
C. Growth
D. All of the above

14. ________ is the reduction in the no. of employees through retirement, resignation or death.

A. Attrition
B. Retention 
C. Elimination
D. Reduction 

15. ________ is the rate of shrinkage in size and number.

A. Retention rate 
B. Detention rate 
C. Attrition Rate 
D. Reduction Rate 

16. ________ is the method of evaluation of the behavior of the employees.

A. Motivation 
B. Performance Appraisal
C. Compensation 
D. None of the above

17. 360 degree performance appraisal technique first used _________ in ________.

A. General Electric, 1892
B. General Motors, 1992
C. General Motors, 1852
D. General Electric Company, 1992

18. Motivation means the process of _______ to work hard.

A. Creating willingness 
B. Induce
C. To inspire
D. All of the above 

19. According to Maslow Motivation is process that starts win _______.

A. Physiological 
B. Physiological deficiency 
C. Need
D. All of the above

20. The basis motivation process is

A. Need --> Goals --> Drives 
B. Need --> Drives --> Goals
C. Drives --> Goals --> Need
D. Goal --> Drives --> Need

21. According to Maslow lower order needs are

A. Social needs
B. Esteem needs 
C. Physiological needs
D. All of the above

22. According to ________ theory it is the unsatisfied needs which can motivate a person to work more efficiently.

A. Herzberg
B. Maslow 
C. Aldelfer
D. Vroom

23. Herzberg theory is also known as _______ theory.

A. Two factor
B. Satisfactory 
C. Three factors 
D. None of these 

24. Herzberg has conducted interview of ________.

A. 200 persons
B. 200 accountants 
C. 200 engineers and accountants
D. 200 engineers 

25. According to Herzberg motivational factors are.

A. Recognition 
B. Job security
C. Working condition 
D. All of the above

26. According to Herzberg motivational factors are _________.

A. Valence x Expectance
B. Valence x Hard Work
C. Instrumentality x Expectance
D. Valence x Instrumentality 

27. Communication is ________ from one person to another person.

A. Understanding of information
B. Production of information
C. Transfer of information
D. None of the above

28. _______ means to convert the ideas into some definite and tangible form.

A. Feedback 
B. Channel 
C. Decoding
D. None of the above

29. Decoding is the reverse of _______.

A. Channel 
B. Feedback
C. Noise 
D. None of the above

30. Faulty translation is ______.

A. Semantic
B. Psychological
C. Faulty organization 
D. Personal barriers

31. In attention is _________ barriers. 

A. Semantic 
B. Psychological 
C. Faulty organization 
D. Personal

32. In delegation there is transfer of _______ authority from superior to subordinate.

A. Power
B. Responsibility
C. Decision making
D. All of the above

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