Human Resource Management Mcqs with answers - Study For Buddies

Monday, November 29, 2021

Human Resource Management Mcqs with answers



1. _________ is a brief history sheet of an employee's background considering an applicant's academic. social, demographic, work-related background and references.

A. Selection tests
B. Application blank
C. Aptitude tests
D. Personality tests

2. _________ factor is not an internal factors affecting recruitment. 

A. Company's pay package
B. Socio economic 
C. Company's Growth rate
D. Trade Union

3. _______ is not an administrative role of HR Manager.

A. Policy maker
B. Counsellor
C. Welfare officer
D. Mediator

4. ________ is the task of introducing the new emplyoees to the organisation and it's policies.

A. Induction
B. Selection
C. Placement
D. Recruitment 

5. A complain handling regarding any factor involving wages, hours, or conditions of employment is known as __________.

A. Grievance redressal
B. Counselling
C. Collective Bargaining
D. Employee Empowerment

6. Good HR Practices don't help in _________.

A. Job Satisfaction
B. Product satisfaction
C. Team spirit
D. Attract and Retain Talent

7. "Winning the War" has become an important job for ________ managers in recent times in view of the growing competition for possessing requisite skills, knowledge and experience.

A. Human Resources
B. Personnel 
C. Marketing 
D. Top management

8. ________ function of HR manager consists of Supervising motivation and leadership.

A. Directing
B. Procurement
C. Organizing
D. Integration

9. _________ is not an external factor affecting recruitment. 

A. Supply & Demand factors
B. Cost of recruitment
C. Employment rate
D. Labour market conditions

10. _________ is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization.

A. Selection
B. Recruitment
C. Manpower planning
D. Job Design

11. ________ is not a technique of Recruitment.

A. Consult-in
B. Head-hunting
C. E-recruitment
D. Family Interview

12. _______ is a test which duplicates many of the activities and problems an employee faces while at work.

A. Simulation Test
B. Interest Test
C. Achievement Test
D. Projective Test

13. Recruitment is a _________ process of Human Resource Management.

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
D. None of these

14. _________ test involves using a trained evaluator to examine the lines, loops, hooks, strokes, Curves and flourishes in a person's handwriting to assess the person's personality and emotional make-up.

A. Polygraph
B. Graphology
C. Integrity
D. Simulation

15. Human Resource Planning is not __________.

A. Forward looking
B. Proactive
C. Tune with Corporate plan
D. Fixed and rigid

16. HRM is not _______.

A. Pervasive force
B. Comprehensive Function
C. Auxiliary Service
D. For individuals only

17. Playing a role of grievance handling, settling of disputes, handling disciplinary cases, collective bargaining, joint consultation is an administrative role of __________.

A. Welfare Officer
B. Counsellor
C. Legal Officer
D. Advisor

18. Human resource __________ is a measurement of the cost & value of human resource to the organisation.

A. Accounting
B. Audit
C. Management
D. Development 

19. Organising Tasks and responsibilities towards having a productive unit of work is called _________.

A. Job Analysis 
B. Job Design
C. Job Evaluation
D. Job Performance

20. The ________ is the manifestation of thoughts, perception, emotion, determination and imagination.

A. Human Mind
B. Human ambition
C. Human attitude
D. Human attributes

21. Organizations prefer internal sources of recruitment as it:

A. is one of the techniques of motivation
B. improve the morale of the employees
C. minimizes the cost of recruitment
D. All of the above

22. Organizations advertise vacancies through the World Wide Web- the internet, called as:

A. Walk-in
B. E-recruitment
C. Consult-in
D. Business Alliances

23. ________ is not a factor affecting Recruitment.

A. Emplyoyer's Brand
B. Company's Size
C. Market Conditions
D. Employee's Name & Fame

24. _______ are the candidates recommended by the current employees. 

A. Employee referrals
B. Retrenched Employees 
C. Temporary Employees
D. Dependent Employees

25. _________ measure an individual's potential to learn skills-clerical, Mechanical, Mathematical, etc.

A. Simulation
B. Personality tests
C. Aptitude Tests
D. Projective Test

26. __________ administration is the process of dividing how much an employee should be paid.

A. Compensation
B. Performance
C. Incentive
D. Welfare

27. Growth of HRM in India has different phases like, Early; Legal; Welfare and __________. 

A. Recent Phase
B. Development Phase
C. Improved phase
D. Later Phase

28. ________ is not a forecasting technique.

A. Judgemental method
B. Trend Analysis
C. Mathematical method
D. Graph method

29. In the ________ interview the recruiter asks questions as they come to their mind and questions do not follow specific format or structure.

A. Directive
B. Situational
C. Behavioural
D. Non-directive

30. ________ is not a procurement function of HRM. 

A. HR Planning
B. Career Planning
C. Placement
D. Job analysis

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