Sunday, June 13, 2021




MCQS - UNIT 3 & 4

UNIT - 3

1. A ……………………is an aggregate of the elements, possessing certain characteristics, which the researcher wants to study.

A. Population
B. Census
C. Sample
D. Data

2. ……………….. Is a complete enumeration [list] of the elements of the population?

A. Population
B. Data
C. Sample
D. Census.

3. When information is collected from each member of population, it is known as ……………?

A. Sample Survey
B. Case Study
C. Census Survey.
D. Focus Group

4. A ………….. Is a sub –group of the elements of a population, selected for participation in the study?

A. Data
B. Sample
C. Population
D. Census

5. When survey of all the elements of total population is done it is known as?

A. Sample
B. Census Survey
C. Data Collection
D. Computer Survey

6. When survey of only few selected elements [selected persons] of population is done is known as?

A. Sample Survey
B. Census Survey
C. Interview Survey
D. None of The Above

7. Census survey is……..

A. More Costly
B. More Time
C. Less Costly
D. Both A and B

8. When size of population is small or limited which survey is more suitable?

A. Sample Survey
B. Census Survey
C. Computer Survey
D. Both A and C

9. In case of industrial products, buyers are limited so which survey is more suitable?

A. Sample Survey
B. Buyer Survey
C. Census Survey
D. Both A and B

10. When it is not necessary to keep the study secret of survey so which method is more suitable?

A. Census Survey
B. Sample Survey
C. Only B
D. None

11. Which survey method is more suitable for large population?

A. Sample Survey
B. Census Survey
C. Only B
D. Both B and C

12. ………….. Is suitable when measurement process results in to destruction or damage to the elements.

A. Census Survey
B. Computer Survey
C. Sample Survey
D. Only B

13. In sample survey nature of measurement is ………

A. Non-Constructive
B. Destructive
C. Mix
D. Complex

14. In census survey nature of measurement is………

A. Non-Destructive
B. Destructive
C. Complex
D. Ambiguous

15. There is attention to individual cases in census survey. True or false?

A. True
B. Partly False
C. False
D. Can’t Say

16. ……….. Is defined as the process of learning about the population, on the basis of sample selected from it.

A. Population
B. Sampling
C. Sample Size
D. Data

17. Which are the steps of sampling design process?

A. Define the Target Population
B. Determine the Sampling Frame
C. Select a Sampling Technique(S)
D. All of The Above

18. Which is the last step of sampling design process?

A. Define the Target Population
B. Execute the Sampling Process
C. Determine the Sampling Frame
D. Select a Sampling Technique(S)

19. ……….. Means the objects, [persons], about which, the researcher wants to collect information.

A. Extent
B. Elements
C. Data
D. Target

20 what do you mean by extent in sampling design process?

A. Time Limit
B. Target Consumer
C. Geographical Boundaries.
D. Data Of Population

21. ……….. Means the sources, which consist of all the elements of population.

A. Sample Size
B. Sampling Frame
C. Data
D. None

22. Telephone directory or directory of trade association, register of students, or any other list covering all the elements of population is known as?

A. Sample Size
B. Sampling Frame
C. Extent
D. Target

23. When there is a discrepancy between the target population and the sampling frame, the researcher should eliminate unsuitable elements by screening the respondents, and he should also adjust the data collected. True or false?

A. False
B. True
C. Partly True
D. Partly False

24. How many approaches are there for sampling?

A. 5
B. 3
C. 6
D. 9

25. In which approach the elements are selected in sequence?

A. Sampling with Replacement
B. Sampling Without Replacement
C. Bayesian Approach
D. None

26. In which approach element is selected and data are collected and then element is placed back in the sampling frame?

A. Sampling without Replacement
B. Bayesian Approach
C. Only A
D. Sampling With Replacement

27. In which approach once an element is selected it is removed from the sampling frame.

A. Bayesian Approach
B. Sampling With Replacement
C. Both A and B
D. Sampling Without Replacement

28. While deciding the size of sample, the researcher should consider the following factors:

A. The Importance of Decision
B. The Nature of the Research
C. The Number of Variables.
D. All of The Above


29. In which techniques, sample elements are selected by the personal judgment of the researcher?

A. Probability Sampling Techniques
B. Non – Probability Sampling Techniques
C. Only A
D. Both A and B

30. Which are the various non-probability sampling techniques?

A. Convenience Sampling
B. Judgmental Sampling
C. Snowball Sampling and Quota Sampling
D. all of the above

31. Use of students, church groups & members of social organization, mall – intercept interview, people waiting at railway station or petrol pump, “people on street” interviews, are example of which type of sampling technique ?

A. Judgmental Sampling
B. Convenience Sampling
C. Snowball Sampling
D. Quota Sampling

33. Under ……… technique the researcher selects those sample elements, which are relatively convenient [or easy] to obtain.

A. Judgmental Sampling
B. Snowball Sampling
C. Convenience Sampling
D. Quota Sampling

34. …………. Technique is suitable for exploratory research, but not for descriptive or casual research.

A. Quota Sampling
B. Judgmental Sampling
C. Snowball Sampling
D. Convenience Sampling

35. …….. Technique can be used for focus group interview, pretesting, questionnaires or pilot studies

A. Snowball Sampling
B. Judgmental Sampling
C. Convenience Sampling
D. Quota Sampling

36. Test markets selected to decide potentials of a new product, purchase engineers selected in industrial marketing research, expert witnesses used in court, departmental stores selected to test a new display system, are the examples of which sampling technique?

A. Snowball Sampling
B. Judgmental Sampling
C. Quota Sampling
D. Referrals

37. In ………. Technique an initial group of respondents is selected at random after this, their interview is conducted and they are asked to give references of other people, who belongs to the target population.

A. Convenience Sampling
B. Snowball Sampling
C. Quota Sampling
D. Judgmental Sampling:

38. Under snowball sampling the group of respondents giving references are known as?

A. Referrals
B. Volunteers
C. Only B
D. None

39. Which technique is known as two stage restricted judgmental sampling?

A. Snowball Sampling
B. Judgmental Sampling
C. Convenience Sampling
D. Quota Sampling

40. Under ………. Technique the researcher prepares a list of control characteristics of population like age, sex, income level, etc. Then, he divides the total population into different groups, such as male and female population.

A. Quota Sampling
B. Snowball Sampling
C. Judgmental Sampling
D. Convenience Sampling

41. In ……….sampling, sampling units are selected by chance.

A. Probability Sampling Techniques
B. Non - Probability Sampling Techniques
C. Only B
D. None

42. In …….. Technique, each element of population has equal chance [probability] of selection.

A. Sample Random
B. Simple Random Sampling
C. Cluster
D. Systematic

43. Which method is similar to lottery system?

A. Systematic
B. Simple Random Sampling
C. Cluster
D. None of The Above

44. Under which technique the researcher first decide the sampling frame& each element is given a unique identification number, then the random numbers are selected by computer routine or by table.

A. Sample Random
B. Cluster
C. Systematic
D. Simple Random Sampling

45. Under which technique first sample is selected by simple random sampling [i.e. At random] as a starting point and then the remaining samples are selected on the basis of sampling fraction or sampling interval?

A. Simple Random Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling
C. Cluster
D. None of The Above

46. What is the formula of sampling interval?

A. Sampling Interval = N/n
B. Sampling Interval = n/N
C. Sampling Interval = Z/N
D. Sampling Interval = N/N

47. When the total population is divided into different homogeneous groups [or sub groups],
which are known as?

A. Strata.
B. Data
C. Sample
D. Stratification

48. The procedure of dividing the total population into homogeneous groups is known as?

A. Data
B. Strata.
C. Stratification.
D. Sample

49. The samples selected from the strata are known as ……… samples and the process of selecting sample is known as ……….. Sampling.

A. Stratified, Stratified Random
B. Sample, Strata filed
C. Simple, Strata
D. None of The Above

50 what are the main objective of stratified sampling technique?

A. Decrease Precision without Increasing Cost.
B. To Collect Timely Data
C. Increase Precision without Increasing Cost.
D. Increase Collection Cost

51. As the population is divided into homogeneous strata, it provides accurate information about all the groups of population. True or false?

A. False
B. True
C. Partly True
D. Partly False

52 under ……. Sampling, the target population is first divided into various subpopulation [groups] or clusters.

A. One Stage Sampling
B. Individual Sampling
C. Cluster Sampling
D. Strata Sampling

53. If all the elements are selected from the selected cluster, then this procedure is known as?

A. Two Stage Sampling
B. One Stage Cluster Sampling.
C. Three Stage Cluster Sampling
D. All of The Above

54. If only few elements are selected as sample from each selected cluster, this procedure is known as?

A. One Stage Cluster Sampling
B. Both A and C
C. Cluster Sampling
D. Two – Stage Cluster Sampling.

55. What is the common example of cluster sampling?

A. Zone Sampling
B. District Sampling
C. Area Sampling
D. All of The Above

56. When we require highly accurate estimates of population characteristics, it becomes necessary to eliminate personal bias. So, in this case, which sampling is desirable?

A. Probability Sampling
B. Non-Probability Sampling
C. Only B
D. All of The Above

57. In case of heterogeneous population, which sampling is desirable?

A. Non-Probability Sampling
B. Probability Sampling
C. Both A and B
D. None

58. In case of non – probability sampling, there is possibility of personal bias or personal prejudice in sample selection. So, it is unfavorable [not preferable] from the statistical view point. True or false?

A. True
B. False
C. Partly False
D. Can’t Say

59. ……….. Sampling is less time consuming and less costly?

A. Probability Sampling
B. Sample
C. Non – Probability
D. Cluster

60. While determining the sample size, the researcher should consider following qualitative factors

A. The Importance of the Decision and the Nature of Research
B. Number of Variables and the Nature of the Analysis
C. Sample Size Used In Similar Studies
D. All of The Above


1. …….. Means the review of the questionnaires, with the objectives of increasing accuracy and precision.

A. Editing
B. Coding
C. Transcribing
D. All

2. Editing includes screening of questionnaires to identify ……

A. Illegible,
B. Incomplete,
C. Inconsistent and Ambiguous Responses
D. All of The Above

3. A respondent reports his monthly income of rs. 8,000 and yet he indicates frequent shopping at prestigious mall this is an example of …….. Response.

A. Illogical
B. Incomplete
C. Inconsistent
D. Appropriate

4. Responses may be illegible if they are ………poorly.

A. Answered
B. Collected
C. Heard
D. Recorded

5. If the questionnaire contains structured questions, codes are assigned after field work. True or false?

A. False
B. True
C. Partly True
D. Partly False

6. Which of the following are the guidelines for coding unstructured questions and questionnaires in general?

A. Category Codes Should Be Mutually Exclusive And Collectively Exhaustive.
B. Category Codes Should Be Assigned For Critical Issues, Even If Nobody Has Mentioned A Particular Response.
C. Data Should Be Coded To Retain Maximum Possible Information
D. All of The Above

7. ……… means each response must fit into only one category code.

A. Mutually Exhaustive
B. Collectively Exhaustive
C. Mutually Exclusive
D. Both A and B

8. Collectively exhaustive means every response must fit into any one of the assigned category codes. True or false?

A. False
B. True
C. Partly True
D. Partly False

9. ……are sets of records.

A. Data Cleaning
B. Data Files
C. Data Prints
D. Data Scripts

10 ………………. is the process of transferring the coded data from the questionnaires [or data coding sheets] directly into computers.

A. Coding
B. Editing
C. Transcribing
D. Reporting

11. Data can be transferred to computers by using

A. Keypunching,
B. Optical Recognition,
C. Digital Technologies, Bar Codes or Other Technologies
D. All of The Above

12. What is the full form of “CATI”?

A. Computer Arranged Telephone Interviewing
B. Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing
C. Computer Arranged Transparent Interviewing
D. None of The Above

13. What is the full form of “CAPI”?

A. Computer Assisted People Interviewing
B. Computer Arranged People Interviewing
C. Computer Arranged Personal Interviewing
D. Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing

14. ………converts the printed text into computer files.

A. Optical Recognition Programme
B. Optical Scanning
C. Bar Codes
D. All of The Above

15. In …….. Process, answers recorded on computer readable forms [like OMR sheet] are scanned to form a data record.

A. Optical Recognition Programme
B. Optical Scanning
C. Bar Codes
D. All of The Above

16. Which method involves direct machine reading of the codes and simultaneous transcription?

A. Bar Codes
B. Optical Recognition Programme
C. Optical Scanning
D. None

17. On which thing the selection of the method of data transcription depends?

A. Type of Calling Method
B. Type of Communication Method
C. Type of Interviewing Method
D. None

18………………. Includes consistency checks and treatment of missing responses. This work is done by computer.

A. Data Cleaning
B. Consistency Checks
C. Data Transcribing
D. Data Editing

19 … means to identify those data which are out of range or logically inconsistent or which have extreme values.

A. Data Cleaning
B. Data Transcribing
C. Consistency Checks
D. None

20 .out of range data are inadmissible and must be corrected. Computer packages are used to identify out of range value for each variable. True or false?

A. False
B. True
C. Partly True
D. Partly False

21. A respondent reports unfamiliar with a product as well as frequent use of the same product. This is an example of?

A. Missing Responses
B. Wrong Arrangements of Words
C. Logically Inconsistency
D. All of The Above

22. Those values of a variable, which are unknown either because the respondents have not provided correct answers or their answers are not properly recorded are known as? 

A. Logically Inconsistency
B. Case Wise Deletion
C. Only B
D. Missing Responses

23. If the proportion of missing responses is more than…….., the treatment of missing responses creates problem.

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 5%
D. 3%

24. In ……. , the cases or respondents with any missing response are discarded [rejected] from the analysis.

A. Pairwise Deletion
B. Case Wise Deletion
C. One By One Deletion
D. None

25. In ……….. Case instead of discarding all the cases with missing responses, the researcher uses the cases or respondents with complete responses for the variable involved in each calculation.

A. Case Wise Deletion
B. One By One Deletion
C. Pairwise Deletion
D. Cross Tabulation

26. ……………….. Statistical technique, which describes two or more variables simultaneously.

A. Pairwise Deletion
B. Cross Tabulation
C. Case Wise Deletion
D. Cross Editing

27. Cross tabulation is the merging of frequency distribution of two or more variables in single table. True or false?

A. False
B. Partly False
C. Can’t Say
D. True

28. Which thing is useful to understand that how one variable [like smoking habit] is related to another variable?

A. Cross Checking
B. Cross Editing
C. Cross Tabulation
D. Cross Calculation

29. What are the merits of cross tabulation?

A.  Analysis And Results Of Cross Tabulation Are Easy To Interpret And To Understand For Managers.
B. The Results Of Cross Tabulation Are Useful For Deciding Managerial Action.
C. Cross Tabulation Is Simple [Easy] To Conduct.
D. All of the Above.

30. Data file is useful to prepare code book. True or false?

A. False
B. True
C. Partly True
D. Partly False

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