Fundamentals of English & Communication Mcqs - Study For Buddies

Friday, February 18, 2022

Fundamentals of English & Communication Mcqs



1. Choose from the following options the other name of 'Butler English'.

A. Butter English
B. Booker English
C. Bearer English
D. Bare English

2. Choose from the following options the modern English Word for the Middle English word Maketh.

A. Madeth
B. Make
C. Madeths
D. Maid

3. Choose from the following options the other name for Vocalics.

A. vocal instrument
B. Paralanguage
C. Parasite
D. Peer language

4. Identify from the following options the homophone of the word- Birth.

A. Bird
B. Bard
C. Barth
D. Berth

5. Identify the elements from the following options that are associated with Haptics. 

A. Handshake 
B. Grin 
C. Nod 
D. Blinking of Eyes 

6. Choose from the following options the homophone of the word Altar.

A. Altar
B. Altared
C. Alter
D. Alternation

7. Choose from the following options the meaning of the Latin term-Lingua.

A. Tongue
B. Tang
C. Tinge
D. Linguist

8. Who coined the term ' WORLD ENGLISH' ?

A. Brajesh Kaith
B. Braj Kothari
C  Braj Kachru
D. Raj Kachru

9. Fill in the blank: The aesthetic function of language is associated with __________.

A. Assets
B. Artistic affect
C. Ascetic affect
D. Atheist affect

10.Choose from the following options the word in American English for the British English word-Tap ________. 

A. Tape
B. Taper
C. Faucet
D. Faux

11. Choose from the following options the past participle of the 'get' in American English. 

A. Get
B. Got
C. Gate
D. Gotten

12. Fill in the blank: Communication which is targeted to an uncountable number of people is called _________. 

A. Soliloquy
B. Mass Communication
C. Group Communication
D. Personal Communication

13. Which of the following components make communication a cyclic process?

A. Sender
B. Message
C. Channel
D. Feedback

14. Choose from the following options 'the what' of communication.

A. Message
B. Channel
C. Sender
D. Receiver

15. With which of the following types of nonverbal communication will you associate - Tapping of Feet?

A. Kinesics 
B. Proxemics
C. Haptics
D. Oculesics

16. Fill in the blank: ________ are words that have same pronunciation but different meanings and different spellings too.

A. Homophones
B. Homonyms
C. Homophils
D. Homographs

17. Identify the paralinguistic element the following options.

A. Smile
B. Silence 
C. Handshake
D. Frown

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